
In AD 52, St. Thomas, the apostle, came to Malankara. As a result of the missionary works done by him, members of many Brahmin families were baptized and converted to Christianity. St. Thomas travelled by sea and landed at Kodungallur port. He started his apostolic works in Palayoor village, which was near Kodungallur. The Brahmins of Palayoor village were of high economic standard and were well versed in Vedopanishads.
Kalli, Kaaliangal, Pakalomattom and Shankarapuri were the prominent Namboothiri families in Palayoor. These families had the spiritual and temporal administration of the Palayoor temple. After the four families accepted Christianity, Palayoor temple itself, which was under their control, became a Christian church. It is believed that the present Palayoor church was built after demolishing the old temple, after the British arrival.
The early Christians of Palayoor had to face stiff opposition from Brahmins and other adversities. As a result, the members of Kalli, Kaaliyangal, Pakalomattom and Shankarapuri families, who were converted to Christianity, had to flee from Palayoor and settle at Kodungallur. Due to communal riots and the invasion of Chola kings, the Christians had to leave Kodungallur and settle at Angamally. Later, they left Angamally and came to Kuravilangadu and settled there. In the preceding years, members of these families often migrated to nearby places like Kottayam, Changanassery and Puthuppally for agriculture, industry and services to landlords and settled there.
In the early centuries, Marthoma Christians had to undergo many sacrifices and had to fight hard to keep their faith. It is a well known historical fact that Marthoma Christians had to leave their ancestral houses, temples and shrines in addition to the curses of their Hindu relatives at Palayoor and had to settle at Angamally and Kuravilangadu as refugees. Due to their class superiority and efficiency, many of our forefathers were honored with participation in government machinery by local rulers. But in the earlier days, prosperity came only through hard work.
Pakalomattom Family
Pakalomattam was a prominent Brahmin family of Palayoor village. Among the Brahmin families there, Pakalomattom held the pioneer position in Vedic knowledge. It was from this family that the Christians, from the beginning had Elders, Archdeacons and later Marthoma bishops. Priests were selected from the Kalli, Kaaliangal and Shankarapuri families, but bishops were ordained only from the Pakalomattom family.
“The Christian church in Kerala was ruled by the Archdeacons. They also led the Christians in the social and political arenas. The Archdeacons belonged to the Pakalomattom family. The 6th Marthoma Metropolitan, the great Mar Divanasyos was from the Pakalomattom family. Till the ordination of Pulikkottil Itoop Ramban as Bishop in 1815, for over 18 decades, bishops were ordained only from the Pakalomattom family. “
Marthoma Christians, Fr. Placid